Kenyon Curtis

Kenyon Curtis joins Executive Director Tonya Dawn Recla to share his secrets for helping people manage change and traverse transition. Of course, as with most super powers, he learned by experience: “What really helped me with that transition was that I had not transitioned in such a long period of time…I wasn’t living ground hog day it was ground hog year.”

Hello everyone!! This is Tonya Dawn Recla your Super Power Expert and I am really excited to have today’s guest on the show Kenyon Curtis and he is quickly becoming one of my favorite people. He has this really cool understated presence about him.  He has a real solidity in guiding people and creating smooth transitions for them when it comes to big life changes. Whether that be a job change, relationship change, or any other life transition and he uses his unique gift to able to hold space for that person but in a really grounded way. His uses a very practical application and he’s able to do so because of his own experiences. He has shared transitions in his own life around going from farm life to the multi-million dollar business life and it has been his own journey that really creates within him this amazing ability to guide others.

Without further a do please welcome Kenyon Curtis. Welcome, Kenyon!

Thank you, Tonya it has been really great meeting the team and I am really thrilled for the opportunity to be interviewed by you.

Oh thank you! Mostly I am really excited because you are sitting in such an awesome space right now. So, my rule on the show is to throw you under the bus right away and ask you what your super powers are?

If had to identify it, it would be that I have learned to really listen to people’s language patterns and kind of like you do, I hear through that to what is really going on. A lot of people come to me and say hey I have got this challenge but then they don’t realize it is tied to something else. By hearing what they’re saying and how they’re saying it I am very intuitive to be able to help them find the real challenge. Once you know the real challenge now you can go to work, If you’re working on something that is not the real challenge you just waste time.

Absolutely, that makes a whole a lot of sense and I see a lot of people spinning their wheels that way. I call it “whack a mole”, it pops here and it pops up there and people think that those holes where the mole pops it’s head up out of are the real deal.  You have to look at that underlying piece there and quite a few people are struggling with the transition as a collective and on an individual level as well.

How did you first come to understand that you had this ability?

Well, you just sparked a memory that I haven’t thought of in a long time. I was having a conversation with an ex-girlfriend from like twenty-five years ago. I looked into her eyes and immediately read her, I just saw all of these things about her that I had never seen before. I only had done that a couple of times but it was always nagging in the back of my head as to why that showed up and if it was some sort of gift. I always thought to myself could something good come out of it.

I was in business about four years ago that was really up and down. I was trying to figure out how I could make this business better and then that turned into frustration. I felt like I shouldn’t be doing this business. So, in my own way I put that out into the Universe and said “Okay, I need help something has got to show up.”

It was really interesting the way I met my current mentor. I was working for a direct sales company that sold cook ware and they had this really old school way of lead generation, which was going door to door. So, I was going door to door in this neighborhood in Scottsdale and I knocked on the door of Michael Burnoff. I found out a little bit about what he did and I thought well maybe this guy can help me. So ended up getting involved with his courses.

What really helped me with that transition was that I had not transitioned in such a long period of time. I talk about this when I speak sometimes and say I wasn’t living ground hog day it was ground hog year. I was living the same year over and over again, I got so frustrated because I wasn’t making any progress. Once I learned what I learned and started to make progress then it took me to where I am now and my next steps.

I love that you said that. We have so many members and listeners that are sitting in that space. Most of the time when that happens it is because something is wrong and you have to transition. When we get higher and higher in our growth it doesn’t always happen that way. Sometimes it takes something to happen to get your attention and like you said you hadn’t moved in a while. When you can come to that realization that is powerful!!

Well, one of the biggest benefits of it was once I learned to get to that next level then I could keep doing it. For most people once you learn how to do that once, you can do it again. That is really what led me to work for Michael and keep learning what I learned from him. Then I wanted to take what I learned there and use that for my next step and really help other people.

I work with multi-millionaires that get so excited when they realize that they do not have to stay in that same position. At the end of the day it is not about the money, it is about that when you realize how much better you can get then the rest of your life gets easier. At the end of the day it really starts with you and what you’re doing and what you’re making better.

Well, and it’s interesting because we really do feel like we thing that there is always this place that we are going to get to. Then you get there and you like “Oh, I guess this isn’t it.” For me it was always the perfect job, I looked for my entire life for the perfect job. I mean I couldn’t keep a job, I mean I was just not satisfied anywhere. I did everything, corporate banking, I touched corporate America and it was finally when I was sitting on surveillance as a spy for the government when I realized this is a cool fun job where I do fun stuff and I still was not satisfied. It took me getting a job that most people do not event know exist for me to understand that it wasn’t that either.

I love that you talk about millionaires getting to that space because most of us think well if I just make a million dollars that will solve everything. When really if you are missing the connection with yourself then it just doesn’t matter. I love that you mentioned that’s how you realized that you needed to move as well. It’s a challenge how do you tell people wait there’s more and then after that there’s more.

Yes, like I was telling you earlier I just got off the phone with these attorneys  that are potential clients for something that I am working on. There statement was everything is great. That everything is great just the way it is, so I asked them if they wanted it to be better. They told me they didn’t know what could be better, I asked them if they had thought about doing X, Y or Z.  They said can you make that better and told them yes I could and then of course they wanted that. I think that sometimes people don’t even know that there are ways to make things better. As soon as people realize things can always progress even better then they are ready for that. People can get stuck in success too, where they are just continuing in the same success over and over but that is a form of being stuck too. Once you open some ones eyes to the possibility of more then that get’s exciting.

That is sort of where I was too, I had been stuck for so long I forgot the dream of possibility. Once I had got that back then things got exciting again.

Well, and that is such a powerful statement. We have been working with the expert team on language and what we can do different with that. I refuse to tell people that there is something wrong with them or that they are broken in anyway. That is just such an old model in my opinion and I just don’t think that is true everybody is fine.

What we came to is that everybody came here to be so much bigger and better and to be in awareness of because that is what they seemed to have forgotten. Sometimes it can be well like I am fine, the bills are getting paid, we go on vacation, and the kids are happy. We forget that we always knew that there was something more, we always knew that there was something beyond that.

Everything in society says that is reality, but what if things aren’t exactly what you think. Try running around telling people super powers are real. Everybody kind of wants to believe it but what are the ramifications to people’s current existence if they do believe that.

Yes, there are a few reasons for that happening. Sometimes it is because they are afraid of how much better they can get. They are so comfortable with what they know that’s just where they stay. I was talking to someone the other day who said he didn’t have any problems. I said “Listen, everyone has problems. Here’s a problem that doesn’t look like a problem. Things could be better and they’re not.” Nothing is wrong. I love what you said about everything is fine nothing is broken everything is good. You know that you can be better but you’re not, you are just stuck in the everyday monotony of it because there is not a problem. It’s very interesting.

Yes, That is a very powerful realization. I love the synchronicity of this conversation, that is actually the place that we got to as well. It was like “wait a second something is wrong” For those who are driven by evolution and came here with these amazing gifts and skills and came here to be this thing. I have gotten very vocal about letting them know that everyone of us either came here with information or came here to access information in a very unique way and you can only do that when you get to a certain frequency and you are letting the rest of us down so get on it!

Yes, absolutely. Some people are waiting for other people to step up.

Yes, it is that social proof. We see that in our membership all of the time. People come in and they are all excited and then they start to look around and they are like. “Wait, is everyone else doing this, is it safe to do this?” I get it not everyone is here to challenge the social norms., they will wait for the social norms to catch up. Some of us came here specifically to challenge those social norms. and you start to feel icky inside when you are not doing that.

Ya, I see that. Or what happens is some people do that and then they say well everything is okay the way it is so there is no need to change. They don’t know how to make it different or better and that is the big frustration. That is where is was I wanted it to be better I just didn’t know how.

When I met Michael I was in my early forty’s and by that times I felt I had been so beat up for the last fifteen years trying to find ways to make it better. In some aspects I thought that maybe I am just the guy who never gets it. Maybe I just the guy that makes sixty grand a year or whatever the amount is I can budget on that and still go on vacations. Maybe I am just the guy that never figures it out, my dad didn’t figure it out and his dad didn’t figure it out so maybe I am just the next guy. Once I learned a few things and stepped into it then that was it. Some people learn new ways and then shy away from it, in fact what we are talking about is about the space I was in when I met you.

Based on what I know about people is that there are a lot of will learn it but then they just stay where their at still. They want things to be better they find you, they find me or they find things like this and they immediate learn what they can do to better things for themselves but they just stay where they are at still. The difference between learning it, then understanding it and turning it into action is what Michael focuses on and is obviously something I have learned. It is what my family and I have used to get us to where we are because we finally understood that it doesn’t take that much more energy to get what you want.

No, I would contend it takes less because the it’s our most natural state of being. The resistance of it takes so much more and all of the fears that come along with that. The experts and I talk weekly and then we get together in person because that is the single reason why we are in existence is to help people embody those places. It is ones thing to know it, everybody knows it. Everybody has access to it but it is modeling that for others saying, “Look we have done it, this is okay. We will walk you through this.” But also showing them how to do it and presenting very practical steps because if you don’t, you’re right, it is just esoteric information and it is fun to talk about and so what.

It’s like going to church on Sunday and then living you’re life during the week the same way. It is just not integrated into your existence and like you said once you integrate it, it is a pretty amazing place to be.

Yes, you are actually stepping into that slightly better version of you, and then you become that better version of you and then you are ready for the next step. You continue to step in with better knowledge and understanding of yourself.

Yes, and that is the concept of evolution. It was so powerful when you said earlier it just gets easier. I tell people that we wanted to be in complete awareness about making that choice. That changes everything so it’s not like we don’t transition up until that point, we do it almost from auto pilot. A situation comes up and we figure out away through it. There is a certain point will people get and they are in full awareness that they are making a shift and they are leaping ahead. Now they can take that confidence and start applying it to every transition after that. Now you can start talking about it, now you can start teaching it and coming up with all of these prophesies and all of these wonderful things that we do.

Yes, that is it!

What are some other modalities do you use? I know you have mentioned working with Michael Burnoff was that sort of the main influence or are there other teachings you use?

It is has been the primary because before I met Michael I had done classes and trainings. Mostly sales, but most sales training has some sort of personal development attached to it. You know positive thinking, goal setting, etc. Those really used to just frustrate the shit out of me.  Even when I met Michael I was hesitant to work with him because I was like I have been here before. I would go away for a weekend learned a lot of cool stuff that I never used.

You talk about synchronicity Michael has a program named Call To Action. A few months before I met Michael I had gone to this seminar with all of these amazing motivational speakers. I was taking notes feverishly from the information waiting for  something to make a difference. On my way home that evening I thought “This is dumb.” I have heard all of that before. There has to be something different that takes all of this excitement into real action and create something.

So I sat down that night and I said okay I am going to write a book or something. I was so frustrated at the motivational world. I was like if one more person tells me to just keep working hard and things will happen I am going to shoot them. I am so tired of hearing that.

So, I  write about three or four pages that night and then I just go back to doing the same thing. A few months later, I meet Michael, and a few months after that I am working for him. I went back later and read those pages that I wrote and it was almost word for word the Call To Action program. I even said there has got to be something beyond this motivation there almost needs to be a call to action.

Of course here I am a few months later taking a course with Michael called a Call To Action. So the information is out there. I really just needed to someone to help me put what I knew into action. Michael even said to me listen you are not going to learn anything you already know everything you need, you just need to put it into action. Let’s get you doing what you already know.

Yep!! I tell people all of the time you already know this stuff what are you going to do about it. My story sounds very similar to Michael’s where I was doing all of this coaching and it was great when they were in the programs but at some point I had to ask what people really needed. They need social proof and cellular confidence that they are not the only ones doing it and they need on going support in that space. Most of us are very clear that we came here to pioneer something new. There is no guide, there is no person saying do this and that. We have to make it up as we go along, and that is a lonely place to be sometimes. It nice to have people in that same space that are saying I don’t know what your world looks like but we can hold hand and do this together.

I created 30 day programs for everyone and really didn’t want to spend more time than that with people in that space but what I found was that the longitude support was very useful and important. Sometimes we get complacent but most of us who are movers and shakers don’t stay in that place for very long so it is nice to have that.

I think for you this is one of many many transitions and I like you in that space. You really have a kind of cool grasp of it all. I like that you give language to what it feels like when you don’t even know that you’re stuck. What do you do to take steps forward in that space. You’re right we know how to do it and we’re just not.

Yes, and here where I think the super powers comes in. We already have all of the answers within us. People say they understand that and then say I’m going to go find the answers. To find the answers within you have to be able to ask the right questions.  That is one thing that I have learned is a unique way of asking questions. I don’t know what your answer is, I just know based off of what you are telling me what questions to ask. When you say it and the answer comes out I didn’t know the answer, you did, again I just know the questions to ask.

That is definitely a super power. I will anoint you the “Questioner Super Power”.

There you go!

It is talent to be able to draw information out of people and that makes sense to them and resonates with them and inspires them to take action is an amazing gift.

Usually, what most people do which is what I am doing right now, is you can teach and tell. Then people get resistant and hesitant because they do not want to be told what to do. But when you are asking the question and they are telling themselves what to do they can’t run from that.

Yes, that is a powerful statement. I totally agree.

You strike me as someone who really leans into mentorship but also is very clear that you don’t need it. It’s more of a benefit of sharing existence with other people.

Is that a fair assessment?

Yes, I understand that I have the answers inside of me. Everybody does.  Sometimes it does take someone in a different position to help you find that out. I didn’t used to me a big fan of mentorship because I am like a lot of people I don’t want anyone telling me what to do. But when the mentor is helping you find the answers within then that is different.

For example, we were at one of Michael’s events and we were actually practicing this question asking skill. One guys was trying to help a gal with a relationship challenge, but the way he was asking the questions was giving her his answer, he wasn’t letting her find her answer.

I caught on to that and I said try this questions and then she was willing to answer that an answer but she felt cornered by the questions he was asking. So it really is a fine line to between how you ask the questions. I am not sure I answered your question but I felt it was important to make that point.

It is great to have people who can mentor so that can help you see things you don’t, so then they can help you along the way.

That does answer the question. It really is a delicate balance because it really comes down to both. If you just seek out people who tell you the answer, then you are not going to do the work and there were a few times in my existence where I was like somebody had better just tell me what to do. I was willing in those moments to take it, so I think it is a nice mix of when I had those moments I took actions because I know I asked for it to be delivered to me in that way.

This has been a great interview but we do have to wrap it up, so my final questions is, do you have a live in your power story that you would like to share with our listeners?

Well, here’s the most impactful one and it is very personal and close to my heart. I wasn’t sure I was going to share it but considering how safe this space is I think I am going to go ahead and share it. When I first met Michael I had a daughter who was nine years old at the time. She had some challenges for about five years. She was in counseling and therapy since she was six and it wasn’t really working. I learned later why it didn’t work and I learned some interesting things about counseling and therapy and when it is and is not beneficial. I learned something and I could have learned what I learned and just gone about my business with that knowledge and information.

When I got home I decided to use what I had learned on my kids. So I had some one on one time with each of my kids. When it got to be daughters turn I asked her the questions and by the end of it, it snapped her out of the anger that she had been in for five years and that we had given her all of this counseling for. She now just turned thirteen and is doing great, she has normal thirteen year old anger. She does not have the challenges that I imagined her to have, we were in for a very rocky future had she stayed on the path before. I think the main point to that is that I used what I learned and I stepped into it.

A lot of people learn things and do not use them. There are probably people out there that know they have super powers but don’t use them and aren’t being as great as they could be. They maybe had an opportunity to help someone and didn’t act on it.

That few minute conversation that I had with my daughter allowed her to realize that she could be better then she was being. That is what pushed me to find more people to help, get better at what I do, and continue to impact the world. It has led me on the journey that I am on now, I am starting a few new businesses and helping others to do the same. It’s time to get moving, it’s time to make things better. The only way the world is going to get better is if we get better.

I am so glad you choose to share that story that is a really powerful example and it is great reminder. Two things are always happening, you always have some gift or some ability that you have to help others that you are not using and second there is always somebody watching you wanting to know if it is safe to step out of there comfort zone. Are you going to be that model or are you going to be a part of the masses that are too afraid to try.

That is what motivates me on a daily basis is “Who do I want to be?” mostly through just the eyes of my daughter. Who do I want to be for her today. That’s how I approach things so I love that story about you and your daughter.

Where can we send our listeners to find you?

You can always find me on Facebook under D. Kenyon Curtis and then I just launched my website at

Very cool, I encourage all of our listeners to stay in touch with Kenyon. Thank you so much for being on the show.

Thank you, Tonya for having me! It is always a pleasure to chat with you.

Awesome! To all of our listeners out there we always appreciate your loyalty and until next time go out, uncover your super powers, and change the world.