Carla Reeves embodies uplifting others as a Personal Mindset Coach, Speaker and Entrepreneur. She holds the vision of others’ greatness and teaches them to use journaling to harness that vision. Listen in as she shares how to write your way into your Super Powers.



Hello everyone this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. And I’m really excited to have with us today Carla Reeves. She is, if you can imagine like, light, being encapsulated in a body that’s how I would describe this woman. Like, I met her from across a room at a networking event, and she’s just vibrant. Like she has one of those or a body that you just can’t help but be drawn into. She’s very pleasant. She’s very loving. She just makes you feel good when you’re around her. And that’s my experience with her. But in addition to that, she has quite the impressive resume. She’s a personal mindset coach. And so she helps folks kind of work through a lot of the things we talk about and that triggers thought track on how do we move through the mind. How do we manage the mind? And so she’s really powerful in that area, helping people live an extraordinary life. So please join me in welcoming Carla to the show. Welcome, Carla.

Hi Tonya. Thank you. My heart is so warm and fuzzy.

We are now done. I can go back to bed now, right? Thank you so much for joining us. So what we’d like to do with our guests is just kind of jump right in and ask them, “What are your super powers?”

Yes. So my super powers are uplifting others. You know, it’s about seeing the good in others. And really, my ability to see people beyond their circumstances, or what is currently, sort of, stopping them. And it does something that is very, very natural. It’s just there. It’s just part of who I am. And I think, you know, looking back even as a little girl, and, you know, that was part of who I was as a little girl, kind of uplifting humor.

Yeah. I can feel it. Like I said that was my experience of you. It’s really, you know, at a networking event, is that, you know I was kind of walking around, checking things out, and it was really you’re just magnanimate in that regard. And so I want to honor that in you. I do believe that that was, that that is, something that you wanted to come here and do. And I remind people a lot, you remind people like, you know, already I think as most people oftentimes say, you know, you chose the body, you chose it’s appearance, you chose the environment you were born, and you chose all these things. You put that package together nice and neatly to facilitate doing the work that you came here to do. And so it makes sense to me, like, you look like light. Like, if you have imagery. It’s very obvious that you came here to embody that, and to demonstrate it for other people. Because in the work that you do, like, you have to give them hope, right? I mean they have to be done.

Yeah, yeah. You have to hold a space for that. A lot of times people can’t do that for themselves.

No they cannot. And so that’s, I think, that’s really cool. So most of your clients that you work with are people, typically, in their personal lives and their business lives. What’s your ideal thought there?

Yeah you know it’s really a blend of both. I mean, typically, people come in to coaching with some sort of challenge or something that they’re kind of focused on in the moment, which might be business related or might be personal-related.

But when we get into it, it is all inter-related. And so, but I work with highly, highly motivated, highly driven both men and women entrepreneurial-, sort of, minded that just really want to squeeze the juice out of life and know that there’s more but they’re not experienced in that.

I love that. I love that. And so in alignment with, you know, what we’re seeing is really, across the board, is people just wanting hope that there’s more, wanting to believe that there’s more. And then giving them the tools to really access that. So I always love hearing about people out in the world doing that. So tell us a little bit about how you kind of got into doing this, I guess the natural piece. How did you get into doing this spiel? I said, you know, how did you come out of the closet that you did this kind of thing?

The coaching?

Yeah. The coaching and your identity in the world.

You know I started with journaling. Yeah journaling had a huge impact in my life and I actually started with a company called Sanity Journal. And it was really about teaching people how to use the tool of journaling to navigate their life and listen inside and find that inner compass. And so I did a lot of work with people around, just guiding them in journaling and then sort of realized that I was actually doing a little bit of coaching, and then got certified as a coach and fell in love with the process of actually completing the two, using a journal and the coaching, to really help people create transformation and live from that inner space and that inner compass. And coming out of it, the closet, I think it’s been like a slow unfolding, if you will.

Yeah. I really like that and I like that you’ve mentioned the journaling stuff. That has never been my strong suit. I wrote as a kid. But what I found when I tried to journal was that I was telling stories. Like I go back and read them, and that didn’t happen, that didn’t happen what am I talking about? And it was so funny to watch myself do that. And now I, you know, now of course, I see that my belief is that our consciousness obviously exists in different places simultaneously as those, like, how do you know what’s  real and what’s not real is real considerately forces are pulled out things that my mind couldn’t comprehend. And so I stopped doing it because I was like OK I was lying to myself like what is this? So I turned off the light of myself. But in retrospect, it was a different process for me. And so I love the fact that you assist people with that.

Yes. Sounds like there is some creative process happening for you there too.

Absolutely. Well I knew it’s so funny because I knew it. Like I said I wrote poetry. I wrote sort of ordinary things. And there it was, like, that was OK. But in a way I couldn’t reconcile that with my own personal stuff and my own personal story, like, if I went into prose with it, it really bothered me. So I just quit doing it altogether. So I haven’t thought about that in years. That’s hilarious.

Well I think journaling can evolve with you too. You know I think my journaling has certainly changed over the years and evolved in different expressions of it, as I’m changing.

That would make sense. I think we have to have that conversation because we like to have that conversation because I don’t I didn’t realize until this moment that I had I think I started to discredit that process because of my own. But hearing it through you I can hear how powerful that can be for folks. And so I would have thrown new tools in my tool kit and so then we will have to dive into that a little bit more deeply. So very quickly how do your clients find you? You know, how do you kind of show up in the world or how are they attracted?

You know, typically, it’s either face to face or there’s some sort of personal interaction whether it be I, you know, spoke or I met somebody at an event or spoke at their company or participated in a health and wellness center here in the valley. So some personal connection or they met somebody who had that personal connection.

I like that. That feels really good. Yeah I’m fascinated with you because it does feel like, you know, we talked about before, that it’s just this attraction principle. And then naturally people are just going to find you. And so I want to affirm that for you. I feel like that, you know, you just showing up is more than enough and that’s what you get to experience. But how would you say that you’re using that I know that your impact in the world is probably bigger than even you know we can be consciously be aware of but how, what is your vision with regard to how your work alters the world and creates this to be a different space?

Yes and my vision, really, right now, is to impact the individual. Right and what I know is that, as I impact an individual and their world starts to shift and their energy, and like, the vibe that they put out to the world, if that starts to shift and lighten and become brighter, then there’s a ripple impact. So I know I’m working with individuals, but if their worlds shift, then it shifts for people around them. And so for me, now, it’s, you know, really individually-focused except, of course, when I go out and speak to a group. But my work, as an expression of it now, is to work with individuals. I know that there is just a ripple effect that happens there then. Did that answer your question?

Absolutely. I really like that. You and I talk a little bit about the super power design stuff. And it’s fascinating because in that model, you know, everything is broken down into, like, the individual, the tribe, and the collective. What I found over the years of doing that work with people is that, really, knowing that we all brought in that we have to work on ourselves. And it was the next phase is, you know, we’re kind of coming out of that, you know, kind of personal power type of era where it was all about the individual moving into, OK now how do we work together with these groups and collaboratively so that we can impact the collective? And I think it is intrinsic that we all just get that. We all know that there’s that connection. We don’t know whether or that, you know, we don’t necessarily see that affirmed in society all the time. We’re seeing it more and more but it’s, that was really the premise behind the network of evolutionary transformation which is our membership program through Super Power Experts. And the idea is, exactly that, like this second, somebody joins up and says, “Hey, I want to play”, there his energy gets added to. It exponentially increases.

And what we’re finding, I suspect that this is true of the collective, although I can only say it’s true right now. The little microcosm groups that we have I think is reflective of what happens collectively is that as one person in our group is working through a specific issue, it opens space for the others to kind of walk through it in a really cool fashion without those same barriers. And so, you know, what I’m seeing by observing all the interaction now, given what my role is with the organization, I get to witness the fact that this is real. Like this is not just woo woo really cool. You know we all feel good. There’s actual energy exchanges that are happening and it’s powerful to see.

And so it is that exponential impact of the collaborative, synergistic, I feel like I throw those words around so much they start to lose some of that. But it is really, really powerful to watch.

You know it’s so true. And I think you’re right. It’s not woo woo and it is and they see it over and over and over again. And it’s really, the basics of what I teach people are so, it’s really so simple. But the impact is so profound. And you know a lot of times people and people come into coaching or you know they’re really trying to control their external world to feel better over here or to change their own experience or results. And it’s much to their frustration and anxiety and stress you know trying to control everything out here that doesn’t work so well.

But as they start to make those shifts internally, all of a sudden, it does start to ripple out here. And it does start to impact out here. And as you were talking, I was thinking of a couple of clients that came to mind that were, they’re doing the work on themselves and all of a sudden, now it’s impacting their parenting. And it’s impacting their children. And now they’re, I always say, like, this is, if you do the work on yourself, it really does download to your children in some amazing way. And now he’s using these tools to coach his children and help them navigate through life. And so there is a ripple. You know and another woman, we’re working on her, about how her ability to show up in the world and in her work space. She owns a big company. You know it’s impacting how she shows up, how she leads, how she presents the business that she brings and the people that she touches issues out there representing her business. I mean it’s big. Right.

Oh it’s huge. Yeah and it’s so funny because it feels to me like, you know, on one level it just makes sense behaviorally. Like we could approach this from a psychological sociological standpoint on how we are changing things. But I cannot help but see that the connection is energetic and with kids in particular, I remember part of my journey included going through the book The Present Process. And that is a phenomenal book. And that was really where I was introduced to the idea that we’re connected to our children through the DNA strands, like, even after birth, even after a child is out of the womb. We still have this connection with him and his true father and mother both in what is happening is that you know as we choose our parents and our environment and everything else we take on unresolved issues. And so as a parent if we don’t address those for ourselves they get passed on to our children. I shared in podcast before about my experience that typically when I was resistant to clairaudience and clairvoyance and what I saw being brought up to my daughter in that time and it took a good friend of mine to say, “Hey, look what you’re doing to her”. I was like oh wow. Like, who knew, but that was a really obvious way for me to see it, which is typical of my journey because I like to develop processes and tell people about things. But it was so amazing to watch that connection. We’re hearing this feedback from people in our net membership about if you do the very thing that we teach people in our society is very selfish which is take care of yourself first then you actually have a much more powerful influence over others to include your children than if you attend to their needs first.

And it throws people off because it’s like that’s just not responsible. Like, a responsible adult, you pay the bill, you make sure your kids are fed, you make sure they’re going to school. Like we don’t teach people to attend to their own vibrations because the first and one of my favorite I know a kid in

Yes and if they can exist simultaneously.

Absolutely and it isn’t contradictory like that. That’s, the irony is, you knew the exact thing that you are trying not to do. You know you think you’re being selfless and it’s the most selfish thing in the world, to resist your own growth.

When you’re actually teaching your children to do the same thing right

Here, modeling it, I bring it back to that, I’m like, What do you want to show?

And do you want to show them that they have to make sacrifices and they have to put aside themselves and that they have to begrudgingly go about things in the world and show them that they can build a wall that they want. You know what do you want to model in that?

And I don’t know if you got a chance to hear the interview I did with XX a couple of weeks back. But I interviewed her for this show. And you know my 6 year old, she was just amazing. But it’s like, you know, she’s got her own challenges because she chose to know this stuff early early on. And so she doesn’t get to say, like, yesterday was a great example. She’s like, “Mom, you hurt my feeling.” Like really is that, is that what happened here? And she’s like yes! You know. So we had this whole dialogue around about how are your feelings my responsibility? You know and she’s a kid, “Can’t you just accept that you hurt my feelings?” No, I was like, “No, I’m not going to do that,” I said, “But if you want to talk to me about something that’s real, I’m happy to dialogue with you about that.” So let’s start with Mommy, my feelings are hurt. Let’s go there.

And now we can have a conversation about it. You’ve got to keep going like this girl got some power and you know she does have to learn how to manage that because of what I see, you know, moving forward for her. But it’s, you know, that’s true all of us is just like we’re super resistant to having those real conversations because now like we don’t get to blame anybody. You know and then when those pieces get voiced and you really just keep it at sad and you say wow ok my feelings really are just hurt, like, I’m sad about this. Then it loses it.

You know we’re much better when we leave. We like the anger and the blame and the resentment. We like those reactionary emotional drama. Yeah of course. Those are much more fun you know because we can make it about someone else. But if I give you that it is that well isn’t it and that it’s the next evolution of that it’s like will be you babies that it’s like let’s talk about that now like this poor kid could get one I can relate.

I can relate. We brought our boys up in a very mindful environment so I can totally relate to what you’re talking about and the kind of things.

Yeah. Her life is a reminder sometimes and be like you did to this. Let me tell you this. Oh goodness. Good stuff. So we were talking about the net and within that you know it really rests on this idea of like transparency and vulnerability.

But if that requires support and mentors and as I. How important were mentors for you and your journey?

It really is essential and life-changing you know having people that may have, you know, may have walked in some steps that you’re taking. Or are people that see you just, like, really see you and stand for who you are even when you, maybe, want to shrink a bit. And you know who show you, I think one of the greatest gifts I’ve gotten from a mentor is somebody who, you know, maybe sees something in me that I don’t see in myself. And it’s like it gives me a bridge or a place to step into that I didn’t see before. And then I can expand into that. And I think that’s one of the greatest gifts that mentors can give us. And just people that help you step outside of your own, you know, limitation. And then, and really, stretch what’s possible.

I absolutely believe that.

Essential and life changing for sure.

It’s very powerful what is along those lines now that this is something that you often do for other people. What advice would you offer people who were just trying to hone their superpowers and trying to learn about them and aren’t real sure if they can believe in them or not. What advice do you have for them?

Yeah. So I think I mean going back to journaling, I think journaling is a really incredible way to tap into parts of yourself that maybe haven’t been tapped into yet. And I know for me, when I started journaling, it was a rough process and it didn’t go like I wanted it to. It didn’t look like I wanted it to. It didn’t sound like I wanted it to. But there was something that kept me committed and engaged in the process. Like I really felt a calling to write during that time in my life. It was actually when I became a mother. And I really felt this calling to write and I just committed to it even though it was rough and ugly, and didn’t feel good and I didn’t feel like I was reaping any rewards. I committed for a period of time and what happened over that period of time was really mind-blowing.

And I remember, specifically, you know, kind of, resisting the writing, resisting my writing. And then, and then one day it’s like I saw this girl, like, dance across the page and I thought, oh my gosh, I want to know her like who is that. She’s cool. And it was really like the truest part of myself that I hadn’t seen before and what I believe is that when you touch that truest part of yourself there’s nothing not to like about it. And I don’t mean like that from an egotistical kind of way but a, really, just a grounded and centered, in a certain kind of way. And I tell people all the time I think we have so much resistance, you know, and and ideas about what we aren’t. I mean I certainly did have certain ideas about what I am not. I am not that. And really blew my mind and journaling to go home maybe maybe try to have a little bit of creativity get moving or, you know, maybe I’m not just the business mind. And so I think I’ve been surprised over and over and over again inside of my journal. And so journaling, a great way to tap into untapped hearts and look for clues. And also I think looking into our childhood and our past for clues as to what are those superpowers because even though we may not have tapped into them, I believe that they’re there. They’re just sort of covered up by some stuff and some noise. And I think that somebody once said, have you ever played the game had headband?, somebody said it’s, you know, life is kind of like headbands. Like other people can see, you know, what your super powers are but we can’t always see them and it takes a while to figure out what they are and so I think looking around at other people and asking and being curious and looking for clues and journaling. Those are my recommendations.

I love that. That’s perfect. That feels really really really really good. You’re inspiring me to pick up a pad of paper and a pen again. So thank you for that. The last question I would like to ask about is what, you know, if you have an example of a live-in-your-power story. I know that as you move into living your life intuitively, full time, it gets harder and harder to kind of pick out examples of it because that becomes your new norm. But I think back to when you were challenging yourself with say, you know, can I live this way can I really trust my limits and my intuition and decision making? And that’s where a lot of our listeners are sitting right now. So we like to give them examples of how do we do that. Like what does it look like in normal everyday life? You have an example of that?

Yes. So I think it really is. This is just within the past six months I have made a big decision to leave what I was doing and branching to something brand new. And I really felt, I think, the strongest kind of internal nudging that I’ve ever felt. But it was time to make a change and time to go and I really made a promise to myself to listen and I think, I think just starting to build awareness around that listening of that voice that is really about higher self that that is nudging you and I think, first, it’s kind of just stirring and figuring out which voice that is, or which message that is, that you’re hearing. But I listen and I acted and I had made a promise to do that sooner. And not do so much doubting and questioning because I have so much evidence in my life that says that it’s right on, it’s right on. And so this last time it was really about responding sooner. And as I went through that process, it felt really had a kind of clarity around it in the beginning. And then all of a sudden, after I actually did make the leap, there was like just utter silence. And I really felt really fearful and really almost like paralyzed in the midst of what I had just done and what I did to get myself through that process. It really is. I have a morning ritual where I get up and just spend quiet time and I do journaling and I do reflection and just have that time to remind myself, you know, who I am and what I’m up to and really hone that listening for that insight and trusting that and having faith and continuing to take the step amidst this fear, you know, paralysis or terror that I was feeling and just moving through it and not letting it have complete power.

That’s a great example. I love that. You know, most people in this journey find themselves at one of those little points of, like, can you leap, like, can you do what your heart is telling you, to do it, your knowing it is affirming and just have the courage to do it. And recognize that everything will be OK on the other side. And I love that example. The beautiful thing here, I know that a lot of our listeners are going to want to find out more about you. Where can we send them?

Yes. So they can go to

And that’s my web site. And if they’re curious to learn a little bit more about what I do and have an experience of that, I do offer a complimentary consultation where we’ll dive into their world at bay and help them see where they’re thinking may be tripping them up or getting in the way of them being their biggest and brightest self. And there’s a place to take the next step right on the home page of my website.

Awesome. Very cool. And I know a lot of them are going to want to do that. Thank you so much for sharing that opportunity and just thank you for sharing yourself with us. I was excited. Like I said when I first met you I was really glad we were able to make this happen. And you could share some light with our members and our listeners so thank you.

Yeah, likewise. It’s been so fun talking to you. And I love what you’re up to and I’m excited to learn more about that too.

Very cool we’re all excited to talk about it. We’ll make sure to make that happen. And for all of you out there as always we appreciate your loyalty. And until next time take care.