Tatiana Berindei Super Power ExpertBeing in love means much more than experiencing the emotion of love. Super Power Expert Tatiana Berindei talks about how she guides others into the frequency of love. Part of her journey included learning to master how to “Enter the Mystery” of life.

Hello this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert and I am so excited to have with me another Super Power Expert Tatiana Berindei joining us today. Hey Tatiana!

Hey Tonya.

So I’m really really excited about having Tatiana on the show and for you all to feel her and to know what she’s about. She’s so amazing her energy precedes her way way way way far out. I know you all can feel that. The magic that she brings into the world is a unique blend. It’s that really amazing creative energy. It just smells and tastes of the earth and of womanhood and of all the magical things of creation. In a real grounded kind of fiery little package and so I like the combination that she brings to the table. She’s masterful in the relationship arenas and in the communication arenas. So, I’m really delighted that she’s chosen to come play with us and bring her unique brilliance. So again, Tatiana, welcome to the show.

Thank you. I do want to say before we get started how much fun I’m having in SPE and how wonderful it feels to be collaborating with everyone in there.

Thank you! Well, you don’t get off the hook I am just going to throw you in the mix like I do everyone else; and ask you what are you Super Powers?

So, as you know that’s been one of the hardest thing for me to articulate. But I’ve really come to this place of if I’m going to pick one Super Power I think my Super Power is being in love. I have a lot of different tools that I use to keep myself in that state or to return to that state when I fall out of it. But that my Super Power is being in love and being following the path of the heart.

Yes, I like that. So, talk to me a little bit about love because I think that we get a little confused about that that word. How do you define it?

For me love is a place. It’s like New York City is a place, Boston is a place, love is a place within yourself and it is a space that you occupy. I think we get really confused about love because we’re thrown all of these messages about sex in our world and love and sex are two very very different energies. They live in different places in the body. When I am completely in a state of love. The organ is the heart but it permeates throughout my entire being.

I know you’ve heard me talk about the difference between love as the emotion versus love as frequency. You know yours is a little bit more heartwarming if you will, in how you describe it. As you’re talking I’m checking in with myself and saying, “Ok, do I experience it in that way?”

I do. I can feel that for me it feels more external space that I feel like I go to in that frequency than in the heart. But I liked that you said that. I am digging around right now inside me to feel the seed of that. And I think you’re spot on with that description. So thank you for that.

Yeah and I like what you said about digging around to find the seed because that is one of my gifts and that’s one of the tools that I use with people because part of what being in love looks like for me is a commitment to finding myself in that place with every single person that I need and every single person that I interact with. And in order to do that we need to be able to get to the root to the seed. So I like that you put it that way.

Well, I think too that it’s easy. In my former lives here this lifetime, I taught things like intergroup relations and in-group dynamics and social identities and stuff like that. And I see that circling back around in a really big way. It’s so easy to villainize, point fingers, and blame when we can separate ourselves out from people. We talk about the myth of separation. When you think that you have an in-group and that somebody that you’re talking with exists in an out-group in relation to that in-group that you’re experiencing it’s easy to see them as other than.

One of the things ironically that Justin and I used to teach counterintelligence agents was the concept of helping people see you as a member of an in-group that they have. There’s something very valuable about finding that thread no matter how thin that thread might be. At the end of the day you know we all come from the same energy source, we’re all aspects of each other. You know I used to say that the only time I got irritated with Justin was if I wasn’t looking at him through love first and as long as I was looking at him through love first then nothing bothered me.

The shoes lying on the floor or whatever it was, whatever little petty thing I wanted to get caught up in, if I viewed it through the lens of love, I didn’t even see those things. So, in playing where I play in the world of frequencies, which are you playing in? Those higher expansive frequencies or the lower restrictive frequencies. I think that there’s a real gift to finding that connectivity with people and meeting them in that space.

Yeah, and there’s a lot of things that we have that keep us from being able to access that space. I love in the ancient Hawaiian tradition, I spent some time in Hawaii during a certain point with some native elders and I learned from this grandmother Auntie Nahi who has since crossed over. I learned the Ho’o’ponopono from her and the way it was taught to me is this. We have this bowl inside of ourselves and this bowl when we’re born is this pure beautiful bowl of light and that empty bowl inside of us allows the space for light to inhabit our being. Then as we move through our life stones end up accumulating in the bowl. You know you have a negative interaction with somebody or you know you get hurt or all of the things that we that we encounter through to our life experience. So, then the Ho’o’ponopono is a way of emptying the bowl so that we can then have that space and fill it back up again. So, Ho’o’ponopono is one of the tools that I use with people. There’s also as you mentioned that I work with earth energies and work with a lot of different plant medicines and just wisdom traditions from the earth.

So, just acknowledging that space inside of self and being able to clear it and having the tools to clear out anything that’s blocking us from accessing that frequency from joining into that space of love with another person and inhabiting that place together because when we inhabit that place with other people. I’m not a Christian but it does say in the Bible where two or more are gathered I am there and it’s really a gift, because it’s really easy to get into a space of love by yourself but to do it with other people is more challenging. And yet even much more powerful when we are able to do that because then we’re joining with larger forces.

Absolutely, which is the premise of the whole Super Power Experts model because one of the things I think is also extremely fascinating about you is because it is almost antithetical to my experience and how I came into beingness is your connection to wisdom traditions and elders and in communities and I want you to talk a little bit about that because I don’t know as though a lot of people had access to that or have sought that out. The information that you share from those spaces I think is so incredibly valuable. How did all of that come about? How did you come into that space?

That’s a really good question. How did I come into that space? I think as a child I was always really really fascinated by Native American stories. You know I grew up in New England and so we had the stories of the Pilgrims and the Indians and you know here the Pilgrims and the Indians make nice for Thanksgiving and then the Indians just disappear because they don’t want to talk about genocide and all of that with children in elementary school. So, I remember I asked one of my teachers when I was in first grade “What happened to the Indians?” and she said “Well, we don’t really know.” And I actually think it was fascinating to me that it wasn’t until I got to college that I came to understand, so, I spent 18 years of my life believing that Native Americans had been completely wiped out. Like that they didn’t exist anymore; because I grew up out East and so if you’re not looking for it you don’t see it. I think that there are actually quite a number of people probably less so now, but definitely when I was growing up, that held that same belief that they just don’t exist anymore.

So, I’m here to tell you that they actually do live and they are alive and well. If you’ve heard of Standing Rock then you know that’s the case. So, I always had this fascination and you know we talk about past lifetimes. I’m convinced that I lived in those times and I’ve been told by many different people who can see in the past lives that I have lived many lives in multiple different Native American tribes. I think it’s deeper than just Native American or South Americans. I worked with Indigenous elders from all over the globe and it started out definitely with the Native North American tribal elders. My first teacher I found completely synchronistically, I was hitchhiking with my boyfriend at the time out in California and I was really starting to learn about herbal medicines and how to use the medicine of the earth and plants for healing. So, I was really, really, putting it out there I want a teacher. I’m calling out for a teacher and I went hitchhiking with this guy who I had just met and you know I was 20 or something having my adventure time in life. I quickly found out when we got on the road that he was a little crazy and was like getting ready to leave him. So we go to my mom’s friend in Berkeley and I was in this bus station and this woman comes up to us and she says, “Do you guys need a place to stay?” I turned around there’s this woman who’s got three kids in tow and she’s a very interesting looking woman and she says “You know we’re going to visit my kid’s dad. He’s a Native American medicine man. He knows over 4000 plants and he teaches wilderness survival skills and I’m sure he’ll give you a place to stay.” And of course I said yes.


It turned out to not be as magical as I thought it was going to be. I learned a lot in the year that I spent there with him. But that is what started my journey with different tribal elders.

Interesting. Yes. It’s fascinating. I always tell people I guess it always makes sense in retrospect but it’s like along the way you just kind of are like “What?” all the different steps that get you there. And I love your fascination with it. I know that you know my life and the lives of our members and in our network has been greatly enriched by that information and energy and I just wonder how much, I don’t want to say we’ve lost, but just how much we have the opportunity to bring in now. It feeds us in a really cool way as we move into new creative spaces and integrating ancient wisdoms and new information. You know all of that intersection is really what I’m most fascinated with and I appreciate that in you.

Thank you. You know I think that’s something to understand as more of a remembering because we’re looking for all these things and a lot of these new technologies and like new things that are coming out in the science of consciousness are actually not new. And that’s the piece that to me where I’m like jumping up and down and screaming and waving saying, actually you guys this is not new there were the people who have been carrying the lineage of thousands of years old that knows how to do this.

I think that’s really important to remember that we actually don’t have to reinvent this. There are people who are carrying information of how to do this. The connection to the stars I just wrote a whole blog post about that I posted inside the NET about our connection to the stars and how that is. That’s not new either. Every single tribal elder that I’ve sat with long enough eventually when you sit with them long enough you will hear the origin stories that they came from the Pleiades, or they came from the stars, and came over the rainbow bridge down from the sky. There’s all these stories about how we ended up here on this planet. That comes from these very grounded, rooted, or space wisdom traditions. You know we don’t think about it that way we’re still programmed to think that these are primitive people. They’re not primitive people.

Well that’s a big thing that you get to serve and not that obviously they can’t speak for themselves. But there’s something magical about the intersections again. And I do think that it’s the space that we’re moving into is where are the intersections? You know where do we connect? I call them all these concentric circles. There really is value in that and not to place these communities and tribes and stuff on a pedastal. Instead, we say OK what are we looking to bring forward with us? What are we kind of done with? What did we learn from that? It’s really no different than a personal journey. You know I educate a lot of people about the idea that when you traverse through something you have to choose. You have to choose whether to snuff it out or to lighten it or brighten it. And if you choose to snuff it out you’re done and it’s out of your consciousness completely and it just doesn’t come back. If you brighten it then that’s a place where you teach from. And so as a collective, as a tribe, as communities we have to make those choices also and it gets a little bit stickier because now you’re making it with more than one person. You know you have to come into conversation and communicate and entwine energies and all this other fun stuff. But it is no different than the personal journey. There are elements of our histories and stuff that we will just snuff out because it’s like we got what we wanted or we grew through it and at the end of the day it’s just choice.

However, what’s so valuable about your journey and what you’re able to illuminate is there’s a lot that we can choose to brighten and bring forward. And where do we get to take that? You know what do we get to do with that piece?

That’s the fun part.

To me it is but it’s like it’s equally detrimental to overly idolize some of the native traditions as it is actually to snuff them out like as it is to de-humanize. So, it’s like there’s actually overly idolizing them is a process of dehumanizing them. So, it’s like that they get from that balance.

That is something that people and I wanted to say it earlier and it just didn’t flow out in the moment but it’s coming out now is that if you or someone is listening to this and they’re like oh my god this is amazing I want to go and find a native elder to study with but don’t guru-ize them. They are people. We are all individuals. We are human beings. And they may be carrying a lineage that is thousands of years old. When you’re in ceremony with them I mean I’ve seen people make it rain. I’ve seen crazy scenes. I have witnessed and experienced things that people say are impossible. Yet these people hold the knowledge of the ceremonies of how to call the season to be, how to call the invisible into the visible, how to shapeshift into animals, like not visually but how to actually become an animal. They know how to carry this knowledge, they’ve seen this happen, they know that this is possible and yet they’re human and they have all of the same human “caca” that all of us do that they have to work through and it’s really, really important to remember that.

Well exactly. That’s the connection piece too. You can’t connect with something that you deify, is that the word? You know that you create into being this holier than thou kind of aspect. I like what you’re saying about and I have a little bit of a different take on past live than most people. But I do see the collective energies that we all share. We have a ton of collective stories of all of us having experiences in you know some of these cultures and with ancient wisdom and we all have access to that. And so when you start breaking it down it’s like why did they choose to show up in this lifetime, in that package, in that capacity? Why did I choose to show up in this one? When we own that piece of it then we start to put the puzzle together but it can’t be without all those puzzle pieces. You know if everybody’s kind of giving up their pieces because we think that somebody else’s journey is more enlightened or more holy or more something? We’re not bringing our piece to the table.

Yeah, and it creates separateness when we put somebody above us. That means that we are automatically below and then it’s impossible to circle it back around and it’s impossible to be in a state of love with another person. If you see yourself as better or worse than or separate from them, you cannot arrive in that place of love.

But here’s an interesting conundrum because I do see a lot of people doing this. And the challenge is can you meet somebody where they’re at and yet override your own thought process, insecurities or whatever you want to call them in the midst of being in that person’s presence, get the information that you are there to get from them in a way that doesn’t invoke your own analysis. So, that’s a really convoluted question to me. Yes, yes, yes everything that we’re saying. And I’ve heard words come out of my mouth with people saying the best way to utilize me and my gifts is to abdicate to me in a moment to get the information that you need and then build from that your own kind of resonance.

Otherwise what happens is I can see as going on the other side of the equation which is sitting with elders or sitting with people who’ve done the journey and can access information and some people don’t even have to do the journeying to access information. But sitting in the presence of the information that you’ve been asking to receive and immediately misinterpreting the idea of we’re all equals and we all have our part to play and that gives us permission to go into analysis. Do you feel where I’m going with that?

I do. And I think it really comes down to a willingness to listen. And to listen really deeply to one another and to listen from the heart.

Well, yes.

To listen with your heart and not your mind. You’re talking about going into analysis in your brain. Whereas, if you allow yourself when you’re in conversation with anybody you find your breath, bring awareness to your feet, bring awareness to your pelvic floor, bring awareness to your heart space and listen to what that person is saying. You won’t get triggered and you’ll be able to hear whatever information because everyone is a teacher for us, everyone has something to share. And there are people who have walked further on the journey than we have and it would behoove us very well to listen to what they say so we don’t have to make the same mistakes they did.

And I love that you said that I was going to draw that conclusion as well in that it doesn’t matter who it is. But naturally we go into this kind of, I guess I don’t want to say naturally, but I think that a lot of us are programmed to go into a categorization, dissection, kind of discrepancy judgment type of space of well what is the source of the information. As opposed to just feeling the resonance in it. Yeah, and you know that’s kind of funny coming from the counterintelligence due diligence person saying, “Oh, don’t worry about the source of the information.” But let’s not mix things up here. It’s looking at, what is it that you’re requiring and seeking in that moment? I mean honestly people ask me all the time how do I know, they ask me how do I know if that information is meant for me or if it’s truth or any of these other things; and it’s like there’s no substitute for doing the work to know your own resonance.

That’s right.

And to feel it because it’s subtle. It’s super, super subtle sometimes and sometimes it’s hard to know when it’s your mind or your ego chiming in, or if it’s your ego and its fears, or if it’s whatever chiming in. Most people ask me how do I know if it;s a fear or if it’s an intuitive hit telling me to run away? How do you know? You have to work through it.

There’s no easy answer for that other than you have to do the work. You know you have to establish that truth within yourself with your body, with your energy, with your mind. You know that’s obviously the work that we help people in here with and there’s no simple, easy, pretty, philosophical conversation we can have around it. You have to do it and you have to show up in that.

That’s great. That’s great. And that’s why I’m so grateful that we have resources like the NET to support people in doing that work because ultimately it’s also an interesting conundrum because you have to do the work. And again I’m going to bring it back to when two or more are gathered. Sometimes you have to have someone else that you can bounce that work off of so that you have that reflective process to do the work with because you can only get so far in a vacuum.

Absolutely, the way that I kind of frame it with people is that there are pieces of us that we can only see through other people. And I mean personally like I’m kind of a conspiracy theorist in this regard like I think we set it up that way. So, that we would be forced to work together like that. You know I teach all the time about the abstract frequency and I’m like no one can walk into the abstract frequency alone. It’s never going to happen. You have to be guided. You have to ask for help, you have to reach your hand out.

You have to get yourself to that place and then go wow I want more; I want more of that. And that’s really the intersection where personal power becomes super power and when you move into that collaborative space and you’re really willing to grow in the presence of other people. Now you’re ready to harness some really cool abilities.

Absolutely, but that takes a tremendous amount of courage and humility to be willing to go in the face of other people. Because then that means you have to be willing to air all your dirty laundry and that takes courage.

It absolutely does. You do get to a place in it folks where you see that it’s not personal and that’s when it becomes really nice. Because you can say wow like I am carrying some of this like what I’ve agreed to work through, I’m not just doing for me. So, it’s getting through all those little pieces and parts of you that are desperately trying to convince you that it’s yours and yours alone and nobody understands it all.

I just walked with someone through this journey yesterday. And I just kept asking what is the fear? What is the fear? Finally, the words came out that no one understands. I’m like is that truth? They answer no. It’s not. Your journey is yours to walk and absolutely nobody can walk your journey for you. And many, many, many, of us are walking beside you and that’s why I keep hearing come out of my mouth, know who your allies are.

You have to find them, you have to be willing to look to your left and to your right and see that so many people are journeying beside you. And keep putting one foot in front of the other even when you didn’t know the path ahead of you. None of us did that’s the joy of it. We get to create that and there just comes a certain point in the journey where you have to know that others are doing that as well and that you can band together and walk beside each other.

Yeah, and we need to be doing that right now. I’m so glad you just said that because right now more than any other time that we have ever been on this planet. We need to be doing this together we want to be better.

So we set it up so that it would catalyze that. Make no mistake about it there are no coincidences, we created a really really amazing culmination of things to come together to be able to say, “Wait, what do we get to choose here?” And I know it’s tough, it’s tough when it looks like things are happening to you and there are external factors at play that are outside of your control. It’s hard sometimes to find the thread of truth in it and say, “We chose this.” But make no mistake about it we chose this and we chose it because of the opportunity that it presents and I for one am really excited.

I am excited too. I was talking to a friend the other day and she said It’s like someone turned on the lights and it’s really garish and all the splotches on her skin and the bags under her eyes are showing and people are groping for the lights to turn them off, but it’s on and it is not turning off anymore. We are waking up, and that is a very exciting thing.

I think it’s awesome. And I feel like this is kind of my public service announcement. I think it’s important to remember that when we play roles for each other and for the collective and there are definite archetypal things playing out right now, it costs that individual to play those roles. And to me to be able to sit and honor the fact that people have agreed to catalyze change and we like to look at it from the light worker healer kind of aspect of oh la la you know they came forward to catalyze change but that’s only possible when other people choose to play roles as well; and they are sacrificing their own wholeness and journey in those moments to play those roles for us. And if we don’t honor that then we miss a big part of that lesson and that opportunity. But they are never free to explore their own growth and holistic journey until we no longer need them to play that role. And so we’ve imprisoned them by agreement into the very thing that we’re blaming them for doing. And when we own that and move as swiftly as we can through the piece of us that asks them to illuminate it for us then we free them to journey again on their trajectory. And yes there’s something in it for them also. But we would do well to remember that it’s never just what it seems on the surface.

God I love you, Tonya.

Oh. You’re so funny. You’re so funny. I love it. And on that note because I could think of no better way to end an interview. I do want to ask before we go and have you share with everybody how you work with people. And I know it changes and the evolution is super rapid but right now in this space, for NET members, for listeners; what is your role within our collective and how are you working with people to guide them on this journey.

So a lot of people come to me when they’re struggling in their relationship or when they’re at sort of the threshold of some gigantic change or transformation. I work with people in one on one sessions. I like to tell people that I have a whole big old basket of tools that I’ve gathered through my many years of journeying and I never know what’s going to happen when I’m in a session with somebody. But I have this basket of tools and the right tool lights up when it’s needed. And so I always go into space with anyone who comes to work with me and we enter the mystery together and I follow process and I follow what’s coming from them and we go from there.

I love the idea of entering the mystery together. That’s beautiful. Well thank you, my dear, as always.

I love connecting with you, so, I feel like we need to do more of this. Let’s pick some topics and do some more podcasts. I love the entwinement and the synergy the harmony like the complimentary nature of our discussions.

Yeah, that will be fun. Let’s do it.

I think we shall. Awesome. Well you can find out more about Tatiana on our website superpowerexperts.com. Go to the “About” page and you’ll see her bright shining face there. For those of you who are not members, she teaches classes and of those who are her classes are in the video archive, she has office hours you can connect with her on as well. There you hear her amazing voice as she shares her wisdom in the Facebook group. So, many many ways to connect with her. And it would behoove everybody to let a little bit of Tatiana’s light into their existence. So thank you. Thank you for being you and for showing up and being courageous and for loving us and playing with us. Thank you.

Thank you. My pleasure.

Awesome and to all of you out there our listeners, as always we appreciate your loyalty. Until next time go out and uncover your superpowers powers and change the world. Take care everyone! Bye bye!